

日期: 2018年10月5日

Mrs Shirley Harris 與其丈夫Mr Philip Harris遠道從美國探訪我們。Mrs Harris在早會中分享在培道中學任教兩年間(1966-1968)的喜樂。她感恩能在神的引領下,帶著宣教的使命來到香港擔任英文老師一職。工作中,她不單與同事和同學傳揚真理,亦與他們建立了深厚的情誼。培道給她不一樣的經歷,而培道精神改變了她的生命。隨後,她和丈夫即席表演了華爾玆舞步。他們漂亮、優美的姿態,贏得全場掌聲。適逢今年是他們結婚金禧周年,校長代表學校致送紀念品給他們,以表祝賀。


Since my arrival at Pooi To at the beginning of the Fall Term, 1966, my impressions have been changed from time to time, probably once a month at least, for she is a school of change and I have been drawn into this.

At first Pooi To was just an institution, a rather large one, where interesting things continually happened – I became a “sin saang”, students rose when I walked into the room, and they erased the board when the lesson was over.  I noticed many diligent, responsible workers here.

Then the institution look on more feeling, or truer, feelings within me began developing for Pooi To.  The teachers around me became colleagues and the numbered young people in the classrooms became names.  And as I looked around, I felt a part of this working group.

A little later because of the friendliness and love around Pooi To, the colleagues became cherished friends and the named students, delightful young people.  I came to know Pooi To as my home-where my heart is.

This outgoing generous spirit of Pooi To has changed my life.  I praise God for bringing me to this school and I thank Him for every person in it.  As I think of these nearly two years spent in Pooi To as a missionary journeyman, I recognized that there have been the most rewarding years I have known – not because of what I have done but because of every individual I have met and every experience I have had.

I have been impressed with Pooi To.  Her record and she, herself, is impressive.  The reason for her long-life of 80 years so far is rather clearly seen.  “…and the rains fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house, but if did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock” (Matthew &;25)

Pooi To will always have a big part of my heart.  I have loved my stay here.  That Pooi To will continue to have such an enriching outreach in the business of our Lord, is my prayer.

Shirley R. Flaugher