JA Company Program



: To develop students’ leadership, entrepreneurship and teamwork.

Under the guidance of volunteer business advisers, students form and operate a mini-company as they would in the real world, to develop their entrepreneurship, teamwork and leadership. Students raise capital, elect officers, produce and market real products or services, keep records, conduct shareholders’ meetings, and liquidate at the end of the program. The JA Company Programme Trade Fair held in mid-December is one of the key events under the program, in which students put their creativity and business acumen into action by launching their products or services in the real marketplace.

Regular meetings

Every Tudesday 4pm-6pm

: S5 students taking Economics
: Ms Candy Tam and Ms Karen Ng (HSBC)
School Units in charge

Careers Team and Economics Department


JA Company Programme 2014/15 Trade Fair

The JA Company Programme 2014/15 Trade Fair was successfully held at Chater Garden, Central on 13 December 2014. A record breaking of over 13,000 visitors had experienced a unique Christmas shopping at the annual Trade Fair! Our stall number was 26 selling dark blue and white cotton canvas bags and wrinkled leather coin purses. Here are the happy moments.





Anita Cheng (CEO)

JA Company programs can develop my leadership potential and enhance my business knowledge of how to run a company. I deeply realize that team work is a key to success for a business company.

Thinking of a name for the company, recruiting the shareholders, finalizing the design of our products, looking for the manufacturers, promoting our products in different ways and many other more, I have walked through them one by one with mixed feelings—challenging but excited.

As the CEO, I experience things totally different from what I have learnt form the textbook about the job duties of CEO! I have come to the conclusion that it is our attitude that matters most. It is our perseverance that moved the manufacturers to produce the bags for us despite our small order. Also, our hospitality attracts customers to buy our products. And thanks to our advisors, Miss Karen Ng and Miss Candy Tam for their support. I can see that even though I am in a senior position, I should be humble and listen to others’ advice for the success of the company.


Julia Do (Deputy CEO)
I first thought it’s impossible for us to build a company with formal structures and to face the market. But when we’re really working on it, I found everything went smoothly. Although there were challenges such as the selling points and the delivery, the problems turned out solved at the fastest pace and the relationship among our company members were closer than ever. I was especially impressed while we were selling our products at the booth opened to public. All of us did our best to sell by shouting out our slogan and performing. As the saying goes ‘When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.’ We may not be the best but our tough mind led us to success.


Cathy Yu
I think I have learned useful lessons after joining the JA Programme. Being the director of the Financial Department, I was so stressed in delivering my duties — collecting capital from shareholders. Disturbing certificate of shares to them, the workloads are huge, but I have received many helping hands form my colleagues. Help comes not only from teammates un the same department, but also other friends from other departments, it makes me feel we are in the same company. We are real colleagues fighting for the same goal. This is so heartwarming!


參加這次JA program讓我能夠實踐在課堂上學習到的課程。由製造產品到售賣產品的過程都是有每位成員合力而成,讓我深刻感受到團隊合作的重要性。此外,身為市場營銷部部長及宣傳大使,在攤位中要到處向人推銷自己的產品是一個很好的經歷。更讓我學會面對不購買自己產品的顧客,依然要保持笑容及良好的態度。這次program能讓我獲益良多。



今次JA programe,學懂的知識比想像中豐富。尤其是找廠的階段,一直都不順利,十個有九個都不肯接生意,而且時間緊逼,還記得有一次,有個廠家諷刺我們,說:「只有七千元,就想訂Forever 21 的質素?連人工都唔夠!何況做袋......」曾幾何時,因這段說話,而一度垂頭喪氣,因為我知道有班戰友與我並肩作戰,很快又回復高昂的斗志,繼續拼命找廠。最終我們都能順利完成。從中令我明白到有時書本裹的知識,不足以我應付實際情況,無時無刻也要隨機應變,不能事事墨守成規。這次經驗令我學懂課本以外的道理,例如在展銷會運用的售貨技巧,與廠家和顧客的講通技巧等。