Opening Ceremony


Date: 4 September 2023

The commencement of the new academic year proceeded seamlessly despite the setback caused by the impact of Super Typhoon Saola.

The opening ceremony began with Mandy Yeung and Uecy Chan, this year's high achievers in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) examination, presenting an informative session to their fellow schoolmates. They shared valuable tips, tricks, and effective study methods.

In her opening speech, the Principal, Ms. Cheung, expressed gratitude to the staff members who voluntarily cleaned up the campus the day before the ceremony. She emphasized the importance of teamwork both within the school and among students in their classes.

Ms. Cheung then introduced this year's theme, "Bridging Cultures, Building Futures," and highlighted the exciting activities the school organized over the summer and those planned for the upcoming academic year. Students enthusiastically anticipated the camps and tours that the school has in store for them.