Page 3 - Clover issue_16
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Editors’ Messages  Here at Pooi To, the release of Clover signifies the end of the academic year.

                Although it seems like a long time ago, September saw Hong Kong experience
                Typhoon Mangkhut, the most intense storm the HKSAR has ever seen. Leaving

                many places devastated, I was truly touched by the effort of the people to
                group together to make things happen. This rings especially true in this school,
                where students and staff banded together and took pride in restoring our

                school back to a safe learning environment.                                              Principal’s

                One thing that stood through many hurricanes for over 60 years was our
                beloved Delonix Regia. While we hope that new trees and flowers will grow to
                create their own legacy, the Delonix Regia will not be forgotten and will forever

                remain a part of Pooi To’s history.

                Another major event of the academic year was Arts in Action. Once again I

                truly amazing to see so many confident well-adjusted girls, who were not
                afraid to display their talents. While Arts in Action is the centre piece for our
                arts programme, our efforts to provide a diverse learning experience are not

                limited to the stage. Six word stories, poetry, dramatic English X History movies
                and a performance of Matilda are some of the art-based activities that our
                students have enjoyed this year, as highlighted in this magazine. At Pooi To

                we encourage growth for all and strive to provide an all-round education for
                our students. With this in mind, we place a high value on the arts. Providing

                students with the opportunity to practice the arts has a plethora of benefits,
                including the development of multiple intelligences, higher-order thinking
                was blown away by the incredible performances from our students. It was  Message
                skills, multicultural understandings, the building of self-esteem, and a
                positive attitude to learning.

                On the topic of diverse learning opportunities, I would like to give
                a big thanks to this year’s Clover editorial team. You have done

                such a great job in continuing Clover’s legacy at this school, and
                that comes from courage, hard-work and dedication. Remember
                girls, put your first foot forward, be brave and don’t be afraid to make

                mistakes if it means that learning from those mistakes will improve
                your future.

                Enjoy your read!

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