Page 8 - Clover issue_15
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History Project

    Champion - S3A The Paris Peace Conference

                                                      For a number of years, the History Department and the
        1st Runner-up - S3B The Holocaust
                                                      English Department have coordinated a self-directed
                                                      cross-curricular group project for all Form 3 students.

                                                      As all students are required to do a small por� on of their
                                                      history exam in English, it is hoped that this will benefit
                                                      both their sense of modern history, including from a west-
                                                      ern perspec� ve, and their ability to express this in English.

                                                      The History Project is organized as a class competition
                                                      with the 5 winning entrants competing at a grand final
                                                      adjudicated for accuracy,  expression and imagination by
                                                      both Departments.

       2nd Runner-up S3C The Atomic Bomb
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